Well, it's taking some time getting used to the fact that weekends are Friday-Saturday and NOT Saturday-Sunday. It's interesting how culture influences things. Because the culture in Roman times had a day off on Sunday, it was only natural to meet on that day. So far, I haven't found a scripture that says they STOPPED meeting on Saturday, and I've only found 2 references (Acts 20:7; I Cor 16:2) that refer to the first day of the week (and those don't HAVE to be specifically tied to worship, though they could be). We also have scheduling conflicts with when a day starts. Notice in Gen 1 that "there was EVENING and there was MORNING, day...." In the Jewish calendar, the day starts at night, which opens up another big deal about the resurrection. I don't want to get into that now, and I really didn't mean for this to get into a big (I mean small;-) theological exposition. Considering the weight placed on the Sabbath in both the Hebrew Bible AND the New Testament, I can't help but think G-d is ok with worshiping him on Shabbat. This whole blog was free; no charge:-)
I had orientation yesterday, and I'm really excited about the upcoming year! More to come....
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