Dusty from the Walk

I shall spend two years in Israel at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I hope to travel and spend time at sites, but more importantly, I want to grow closer to Jesus as a talmid (disciple) of His. What better thing than to walk right behind Him soaking up His every word and action?

Monday, August 29, 2005

Another Weekend Is Passed

Hey everyone,

Well, it was quite an eventful weekend. Beer Sheva got hit by a bomb (no one died), and it's supposed to be one of the safest cities in Israel. Now that I'm over here, hearing about these bombings makes me feel different. I feel completely safe here, but it's amazing to think that just a few miles away, someone attempted to take lives....

As for the weekend, I enjoyed THREE movies - talk about overdose! I watched Lord of the Rings (Return of the King) with some brownies and ice cream on Thursday night, The Princes Bride on Friday night, and The Count of Monte Cristo on Saturday night. I know, wasting too much time, BUT I did get to enjoy some popcorn (I burned it a little:-( on Saturday night). From now on, I may try to spend my Friday nights at the cotel (Western Wall). We'll see....

Hebrew is coming along. I bless G-d that an 85 or above is an "A" over here;-) It's a great feeling to look at a test score, see an 85% and know that it's an "A"!

I'm also reading a book in my spare time called "Jesus" by David Flusser. It's interesting on several levels, but the main reason I find it so amazing is that it's by a Jew. (By the way, David Flusser knew 26 languages and gave lectures in 9 of them. He knew Greek and Hebrew backwards and forwards, and I'm told once said, "Any Christian who doesn't read all four Gospel accounts once a week is a hypocrite!" If that doesn't inspire you to read your Bibles, I don't know what will!) A leading expert on Jesus, yet sadly, he never acknowledged that Jesus was/is the Messiah. He died in 2000 or 2001.

Have a great week, and know that there's a ton I'm learning but just not sharing;-) (OK, that may be a hyperbole;-)




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