Dusty from the Walk

I shall spend two years in Israel at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I hope to travel and spend time at sites, but more importantly, I want to grow closer to Jesus as a talmid (disciple) of His. What better thing than to walk right behind Him soaking up His every word and action?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


In the midst of learning Hebrew at Hebrew U, other opportunities present themselves. One such opportunity springs from my desire to see how Jews interpret/study the Scriptures. A girl from London is going to go through the parashot (weekly readings of the Torah) with me as well as the readings for the holidays. This will give me an opportunity to see how better to ask questions of the text and HOPEFULLY give me a small glimpse into the way Jesus looked at the Tanakh (I don't know how to spell it in English:-).

For those who may be concerned, I'm not looking to convert:-) Also, please don't get any ideas of me running off with a Jewess here;-) Remember, I like pork and cheeseburgers WAAAAY too much!

More to come, but first, I must study for another big test for tomorrow!




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